Hello and welcome to the official webpage of SJB Memorial Sled Dog Rescue. We kindly thank you for taking an interest in our cause and hope that whether you are looking to adopt a new furbaby or re-home a current one that we can be with you every step of the way.



We here at SJB are indeed looking for new fosters to take in dogs that need a bit of work. Duties of a foster are very demanding and require a lot of patience. Fosters are in charge of the care of the dog as well as the primary trainer and home figure for the dog.

Looking to foster?

Simply e-mail SJB to receive the form, submit with a video of your home environment where the dog will be living and the form for processing. SJB will notify you of an upcoming foster in your area.


This is what it is all about! If you are looking to adopt a sled dog from us, we would be happy to help. The wait can be long but in the end it is worth the time. When you add your new dog to the family, it all pays off.

Looking to adopt?

E-mail SJB to let us know of your interest. We will then send the paperwork needed in order for you to adopt your new furbaby. We will also walk through all of the processes with you in order to welcome your new dog home.